Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How To Create A Wedding Budget pt 3

Be Realistic

After you have discussed with your partner, what you want for your wedding. You must do your research on how much everything will cost.It would be nice to just pick a number out of thin air, and say I'm going to pay x amount of money and this for that, but you have to know the actual average price of every element in your wedding. A good website to look into is costofwedding.com this website will help you find the average cost of weddings in your area. The more informed you are entering into a situation, the better off you will be.

Previous: Talk It Out

Chantilly Elijah
President/ Principle Planner
(843) 432-9486
We Plan It! You Love It!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How To Create A Wedding Budget pt 2

Talk It Out

After you have taken the first step of being positive, the second thing you need to do is talk everything out with your partner. I always tell everyone to pick 3 things that will be most important to you and your partner. You may only have 1 or 2 things that are important to you, and your partner may have just 1, that's fine. These things you chose could be the food, the decor, or transportation. Once you chose those things you, it will be clear to you what you will spend the bulk of your money on, something to remember is, you spend money on what is important to you.If Wedding cake or invitations or not that important to you, then that is something you can diy or have a family member or friend do. Knowing these things will help a great deal with while you are planning your wedding budget. Knowing what is important to you, about your wedding will also help you stand as a united front against friends, and family members who will try to make you spend money on things that are unnecessary, or not important to you and your partner.

Chantilly Elijah
President/Principle Planner
We Plan It! You Love It!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How To Create A Wedding Budget

Be Positive

The first step to creating a wedding budget, is to sit down with your partner and think about what the both of you want for your wedding day. Your attitude during this brain storming session must be positive. You have to think about what you want instead of thinking about what you can't do.

Two things you do not want to think about while you are brainstorming with your partner are, how restricting your finances are, and your families disapproval of your ideas. Thinking about what you can't or should not do, will stifle your ideas and lock you into a box of complacency. What you want to think about is what you truly want for your wedding day, once you have talked out what you want, then you focus on what you can afford. A good wedding professional can give you good ideas to match your wedding desires with your budget.

Chantilly Elijah
President/Principle Planner
We Plan it! You Love It!